Local Installation

NOTE: If you are going to use the online version of AlgoPiper, ignore this section!

Thanks to the distributed architecture of the tool, AlgoManager and AlgoPiper can run on two different machines (locally or remotely).

Install Prerequisites

The only prerequisite is the Docker Engine: Follow the instructions on: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/

Download AlgoManager

  1. Clone AlgoManager repository https://github.com/algorun/algomanager
  2. Navigate to the downloaded folder.
  3. Run the script run.sh
  4. Go to http://localhost:8000 and make sure it is working

Configuring the Production Environment

If you want to set AlgoManager on a shared server, edit algomanager/settings.py file. Change SERVER_PATH = 'http://localhost' to SERVER_PATH = 'http://server_IP'

Add Available Algorithms

Now, let AlgoManager be aware of what algorithms (AlgoRun containers) are available on your machine (or server).

  1. Run docker exec -it algomanager bash
  2. Run python manage.py createsuperuser. This will prompt you to create an admin user to manage the available algorithms on this algomanager instance.
  3. Now exit this bash using exit. Go to http://localhost:8080/admin/. Enter your newly created username and password. After you login, click on +Add, right beside Available Algorithms. Enter the name of the algorithm and its AlgoRun container. For example: Name=REACT and Docker Image=algorun/react:latest. Don’t forget to docker pull those images from Docker Hub, before you make them available.

Run AlgoPiper

AlgoPiper is available as a Docker image on Docker Hub.

To run an instance of it, use docker run -p 8081:8765 -e MANAGER=<algomanager_url> algorun/algopiper, where <algomanager_url> is the url where AlgoManager is running. Now, navigate to http://localhost:8081 to use it.

Congraulations! You now have a fully working version of AlgoPiper :)